Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

"A slightly mad gentleman" - H.P. Lovecraft über E.A. Poes Werk

"His typical protagonist is generally a dark, handsome, proud, melancholy, intellectual, highly sensitive, capricious, introspective, isolated, and sometimes slightly mad gentleman of ancient family and opulent circumstances; usually deeply learned in strange lore, and darkly ambitious of penetrating to forbidden secrets of the universe." (H.P.Lovecraft,Supernatural Horror in Literature)

Hmmm...hab den Satz jetzt bestimmt schon 10mal gelesen und bin immer noch fasziniert.

...und weils so schön war noch ein erwähnenswertes Fundstück:

"Penetrating to every festering horror in the gaily painted mockery called existence, and in the solemn masquerade called human thought and feeling, that vision had power to project itself in blackly magical crystallisations and transmutations; till there bloomed in the sterile America of the thirties and forties such a moon-nourished garden of gorgeous poison fungi as not even the nether slopes of Saturn might boast."(H.P.Lovecraft,Supernatural Horror in Literature)

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